Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A boys brain….complicated thing




this is what i found….Its blissfully unaware…. in the mind.

The stages of Boy-hood.

Hi there. In case you can’t tell, I’m not of the male gender but after just one year of middle school i got to learn how special they really are….Let me start with the “stages” of middle school boy hood

through out the year these similar jokes will come around and you will be expected to laugh or be dubbed the “Female dog” of the class. Let’s start with the “Yo’ Mama” constantly you will be hearing this, for example

Joelle: Hi, I was late because..

Sam: YO’ MAMA !

Joelle: actually ya,… she couldn’t find her keys..

BUT what Sam meant was  in a totally different context.  It didn’t work in sam’s case because he meant it to be dirty but the over use of the joke caused it to be forever planted in their heads, there for having to be the first response to anything that leaves their mouth. After the Yo’ mama you graduate into the “Up your butt” and “lady dogs and hoes “ Yes both are dirty and you can probably guess what the up your butt joke is used for, BUT the lady dogs and hoes is also used to undermine the girls superior knowledge over pretty much everything at that age.

Let me give you another example.

Sally: Teacher, the answer is wrong on the board..again.

Teacher: Oh --- cute off--


this is used not to make fun of us like they think they are doing but us girls have found that they use it as a defense for what they never could  achieve.

And now we are onto the final chapter up boy-hood. Hilter. While this being a horribly fascinating point in history the boys tend to mock it and in my class and had a schedual for when they would jump up and well..make hitler jokes. obviously none of the girls laughed because it was so horrible but they guys CRACK UP HYSTERICALLY LITTERALLY NOT A CHANCE THEY WOULD BE QUIET FOR THE NEXT 10 MINUTES! and the rest of the class suffered for it. I liked to call my class the “future juvenile delinquants class” just because they were soo….special


lets hope for  more in high school.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010, worst dressed. why do they do this?


That up there ^

is 2010’s worst dressed list and I have to say I agree with everything that it said AGAINST their ”style” choices.

One thing I would like to make clear before I go on bashing these celebs is, Just because you can throw some cool patterns on make it look edgy and like nothing else before AND JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A BIG DESIGNER NAME doesn’t make it fashionable…at all. What I believe makes things fashionable is


*Coordinating colours


But now that I have that off my chest, I will continue on. If you haven’t checked out the link please do, it is hilarious.

Now, The three repeating mistakes are trashy/slutty ( which includes too tight, to short and too much boobage)

Too, just a TAD too unique ( Too advantgard, too uncomfortable looking, and just trying too hard to catch SOMEONES eye)

and finally too out of your age. ( yes this does fall into the trashy/slutty catagory, )

When I say out of your age i mean if your seventeen you dont wear things too look like your 25, I mean if your 30 you dont dress like your 15 and when your 40 dont dress like a gramma.

I think a great example of classy age aproppriot dressing that fits into my three rules of style, is Sandra Bullock, I mean she is hilarious, she has her act together and she always looks good. So before you go too wild, too unique or too trashy just think about the girls on this list :)


Thanks, stay fashionable ladies!


MTV VMAs Worst Dressed

Monday, December 27, 2010


So, Let me take you back to a conversation I had in my head several times but at one particular time when I was sitting on the couch bored with nothing to do
AND had been watching TV for a three consecutive hours.

"I'm hungry, I think I just go get some juice"

*Walks to kitchen and realizes we have a WHOLE BOX OF OREOS!*

"Heh heh, yuum"

And guess what I did? Instead of having a harmless glass of juice I went a mauled a whole box of Oreos.

What did I do wrong here? Let me help you by telling what I seem to not be able to do.

Food gremlins are a mix between your conscience and and whatever is lurking in your pantry/cupboards

How I can tell when food gremlins are twisting my brains around is when I say something like
I want juice and then go for the oreos, but I have figured out a battle plan which is hopefully bullette proof.

step one: When you feel the grumbles ( the foot steps of the gremlins ) Try to distract yourself or find something to do. Step two: If step one failed you, try to figure out what is in your fridge or pantry before you go look. So you aren't persuaded by anything in your sights.
Step three: When you have your goal of what snack you want go there either with a supportive friend or a reminder stuffy telling you to be strong. dont break down. dont reach for those cookies because keep in mind you will be happier with your decision of a carrot instead of a cookie!

Thanks for reading!

P.S I don't support diets and my goal here isn't to make anyone feel bad about themselves. I just want to tell you how you can keep strong and stay healthy!

Keep on Keepin' on!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hi! So my past posts were just simple telling you some things that i use and like
but this one i will tell you something I have noticed. People always have style in them, its just weather or not you have the guts to wear it out. I will tell you something, your never over dressed, your always underdressed and if you think of it like that then it gives you freedom to accesorize. Add bracelets, necklaces and earings. Throw on a leather jacket and a scarf but just dont let your mind wander. People often put thoughts of their own into other peoples heads
for example

Judy wore a red tee shirt when everyone else wore grey, she feered she was too colourful even though she left her house feeling great. She saw Fred staring at her and she automatically thought HE was thinking she was too colourful when really he was thinking "wow I wish I dressed like that"

Hope fully you got it! :)

Here is a link to a site that is sooo much fun! It lets you make fashion collages!

This link will take you to a "set" I made and from there you can create an account!


Just copy and paste that into your address bar
It is one of my favourite pass times ever! I love how the saying " A picture says a thousand words" describes just about every picture i think ive ever seen. A picture is a way to tell people how you feel, want, need and to tell a story. Some amazing photo editing and photo sharing sites are:

Flickr- sharing photos ( I am Pepper Rabbit )

Photo flexer- great for layering pictures

Photo bucket- photo sharing and editing

and of course Picnik!

Have fun with these!

TIP! how to get home made Bokeh! if you can get ahold of a window and got around late morning. if you bring a white board and hold it under the camera it should pick up the light of the widnow and create lovely bokeh! any setting works :)