Monday, December 27, 2010


So, Let me take you back to a conversation I had in my head several times but at one particular time when I was sitting on the couch bored with nothing to do
AND had been watching TV for a three consecutive hours.

"I'm hungry, I think I just go get some juice"

*Walks to kitchen and realizes we have a WHOLE BOX OF OREOS!*

"Heh heh, yuum"

And guess what I did? Instead of having a harmless glass of juice I went a mauled a whole box of Oreos.

What did I do wrong here? Let me help you by telling what I seem to not be able to do.

Food gremlins are a mix between your conscience and and whatever is lurking in your pantry/cupboards

How I can tell when food gremlins are twisting my brains around is when I say something like
I want juice and then go for the oreos, but I have figured out a battle plan which is hopefully bullette proof.

step one: When you feel the grumbles ( the foot steps of the gremlins ) Try to distract yourself or find something to do. Step two: If step one failed you, try to figure out what is in your fridge or pantry before you go look. So you aren't persuaded by anything in your sights.
Step three: When you have your goal of what snack you want go there either with a supportive friend or a reminder stuffy telling you to be strong. dont break down. dont reach for those cookies because keep in mind you will be happier with your decision of a carrot instead of a cookie!

Thanks for reading!

P.S I don't support diets and my goal here isn't to make anyone feel bad about themselves. I just want to tell you how you can keep strong and stay healthy!

Keep on Keepin' on!

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